sábado, 19 de enero de 2013


So lately, i've been listening to this artist i REALLY love but only recently got into his latest material and whatnot... he's mostly known for his epitimous nintendocore album, "Grand Battle" which i LOVE and mostly known him for as well. Quite a few of you may know him, he's Monomate!

here, have a listen from that album, so you can hear what he's known for:

pretty sweet, eh? i quite like that album, and you should get it...but here's the kicker...check out what he's doing now!


it sounds...weirder! noiser. dreamier.. atleast, this side of his double release Negative Emotions/Positive Outlook. it's basically a perversion of modern pop music...says so here. the first side of the album (Negative Emotions) is really noisy and avant garde-ish, and the second side (Positive Outlook) is more dreamy/trip hop type stuff, and honestly, this is the bee's knees. you should really get it. for free. if you like really experimental, more out there stuff, you're gona love it!